剧情简介:狐妖蛊惑书生的风波平息后,神都恢复了以往的繁华与喧闹,武后心情大好,决定举办一场盛大的秋猎,邀请王公贵族和民间擅长武艺的能人共聚一堂,切磋骑射。 吐谷浑小可汗慕容纪也受邀参加秋猎,却阴差阳错的成了一场行刺武后阴谋的“嫌疑人”。走投无路的慕容纪只得向裴坤求助,希望他能帮忙找出真凶,洗清自己的冤屈。为保大唐国泰民安,也为帮助好友,裴坤和尉迟柱、韩冬青等伙伴再次联手查案,一路险情和笑料不断,终于追查到了谋刺武后的真凶,阻止了一场大唐与吐谷浑之间的战争。
Why our customers love Miao?
There have been 500,000+ users after launch one year, and it has been recommended by 5000+ users, with an average score of 4.9 (out of 5). We will work hard to make Miao perfect for our lovely customers.
It’s super easy to use. I’m in Korea now, but I really like watching Conan, so I came to find a software that can watch anime abroad, and I found this
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