剧情简介:该剧改编自若花燃燃的职场小说《苏筱的战争》,以建筑行业为背景,紧扣职场进阶和逆袭这一脉络展开剧情,讲述了造价师苏筱(孙俪 饰)因合作方推诿事件而被迫离职后,机缘巧合下进入赢海集团子公司天成建筑,在高压又精细的造价工作中,即使面对公司内的暗流涌动和天科建筑经济师夏明(赵又廷 饰)的强劲挑战,依旧秉持着“造价表的干净就是工程的干净”的职业信念,在一次次的激烈竞标中脱颖而出、也在一次次的斗智斗勇中经历职场的历练和洗礼,终于迎来事业的高光时刻和对人生理想的新感悟。
Why our customers love Miao?
There have been 500,000+ users after launch one year, and it has been recommended by 5000+ users, with an average score of 4.9 (out of 5). We will work hard to make Miao perfect for our lovely customers.
It’s super easy to use. I’m in Korea now, but I really like watching Conan, so I came to find a software that can watch anime abroad, and I found this
This is what I accidentally discovered today. I just downloaded it or started using it. The page is simple and satisfactory. I opened the software and the network of my other software has not slowed down. I gave it a good comment.
very smooth. I have used so many accelerators that are the best, and the price is moderate, so I will only use it in the future.