剧情简介:《灵魂摆渡》是《打狗棍》原班底打造的爱奇艺自制大剧。以从小独具 “阴阳眼”的冬青奇特的所见所闻为线索,讲述了阴阳界爱恨纠葛的故事。每集都有单独的剧情和主角,上演一出出看似“鬼神”实际很温情的剧集。冬青有一双特别的眼睛,他可以看见鬼魂,并与之沟通。这样特殊的“能力”带来的多数是麻烦。直到有一天,他找到了一份工作,在一间24TH便利店做夜班营业员。这间便利店实际上是一间“灵魂驿站”,灵魂摆渡人赵吏孤独地在这里驻守了五百年,这里白天人来人往,夜里各种鬼魂出没,死去灵魂从这里去往黄泉之国,而每只不肯离去的鬼魂都有一个心愿。
Why our customers love Miao?
There have been 500,000+ users after launch one year, and it has been recommended by 5000+ users, with an average score of 4.9 (out of 5). We will work hard to make Miao perfect for our lovely customers.
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