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《王者荣耀 honor of kings》国服加速器
加速喵已经完美支持《王者荣耀 honor of kings》国服,稳定快速不掉线,帮助海外华人畅玩王者荣耀国服。
发行日期: 2015-11-26
标签: 多人在线战斗竞技场游戏
支持平台: iOS、Android

游戏简介: 《王者荣耀》是一款移动端MOBA类游戏,类似于PC端的英雄联盟、DOTA。基本玩法是通过推塔、击杀敌人、赚取经济来得到优势,胜利条件是摧毁敌方的水晶基地;但细节玩法因所选模式的不同而略有不同。游戏采用类似于“双轮盘”的操作模式,玩家进行游戏时需要用手指拖拽手机屏幕左下角的移动轴、点击屏幕右下角的技能按钮来操控英雄和其技能释放,左上角是地图,在技能按钮的左边是召唤师技能




Why Booster?

Watch movies, play games that not in your location will slow and lag. Using Miao booster will help you boost video service such like Youku, Netflix, Bilibili, Disney+ and so on. And also help you boost PUBG, Frontier, Yuanshen and a lot of games.

Boost game

We can boost game in China and worldwide. We develop best technology to improve game connective, decrese game latency.

Boost streaming

We can boost video and movies worldwide. We develop a dynamic boost technology to boost only nessecery.

Boost live casting

We can boost Bilibili live, Huya, YY, Youtube, Twich to reduce the latency and increse the screen quality.

Boost your office

We help teams to boot their OA network and software to help teams works remotely.



Why our customers love Miao?

There have been 500,000+ users after launch one year, and it has been recommended by 5000+ users, with an average score of 4.9 (out of 5). We will work hard to make Miao perfect for our lovely customers.


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Miao advantages

Miao can help boost game worldwide or hosted in China, support streaming, live casting and gaming boost

Global server
Miao have much more global server center to help you boost the service
Unlimited bandwidth
We do not limit your bandwidth, we just support full speed service
High quality play
Miao using creative boost technology to boost your network dynamic.
Smart route
We deliver the best server near you to help you using the best route the boost service
Multi modes
We support many modes to help you boost streaming, gaming and even more
Gaming boost
We using IPLC direct route to boost gaming, the lowest latency to anywhere, very stable
Full platforms suport
Miao can boost on your any devices: iOS, android, macOS, Windows PC, TV etc.
1-1 customer support
We treat our customer as friend, we try our best to help you

加速喵可以帮助在美国,加拿大,英国,日本,香港,台湾、澳大利亚等海外各个国家和地区的华人解决国外如何玩王者荣耀国服的问题,加速在Windows PC、苹果iOS手机、安卓Android手机等各个平台下回国访问的速度。